Edited 5/27/18
Punk Rock was a musical revolt on the status quo of the music industry.
Musicians rebelled against the conforming standards of the same old musical concepts, employing their dissatisfaction for the issues going on in their communities and around the world.
The music and fashion industry called out to a generation hungry for something radical and unique to get people to take notice.
Punk Rock cemented its spot in history with this rebellious vibe and inspired artists, musicians, designers, and the everyday person to find something to be passionate about and pursue it with fury and vigor.
This is the spirit of Punk Rock Flea Market Lorain County — it is our passion and our purpose.
Don’t be dictated by Corporate America – join the PRFM Lorain County Revolution with us!
Punk Rock Flea Market Lorain County is all about declaring anarchy on mass-produced plastic junk and big box stores, bringing back the power to YOU – the consumer.
Don’t allow yourself to be dictated by the media!
Whether it’s TV, internet, or radio, rise above the noise, take your buying power back and keep your hard-earned money where it belongs – in your community!
It’s a consumer revolution – PRFM Lorain County encourages you to shop local!
By joining the Revolution, you’ll also help build great indie small businesses, encouraging them to invest more money in the community as well!
We make it easy to support your community artisans and indie small businesses by bringing these types of vendors together all under one roof, uniting in the cause to foster and grow the arts community and help indie businesses flourish!
While enjoying these unique, varied and creative vendors, you are giving back to the community as well by donating to our carefully chosen local spotlight nonprofit groups.
Shopping local and declaring anarchy on big box stores plus supporting a worthy cause while you’re at it – there is nothing more Punk Rock than that!
Join the PRFM Lorain County Revolution! Help us change the face of buying and keep your money in the community!
Make sure to attend our various shows and events – by doing so, you’ll be taking the first step in the Revolution!
Interested in becoming an Official PRFM Lorain County Revolutionary and helping the cause from the inside out?
Join our Crew and help us with our events.
Take action! Make a difference!
Be a voice in our Revolution and help make this area a better place for all! Fill out the form below and join us!
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