It doesn’t matter if you’ve been naughty all year-long to get some awesome stuff at Xmas, at least with Punk Rock Flea Market Lorain.
Everyone comes out a winner at the PRFM Lorain Holiday Show on Sunday December 4 – but especially the first 100 adults through the doors!
That’s right, in celebration of our First Anniversary and our Second Annual Holiday Show, we are giving out not just 50, but 100 incredibly awesome PRFM SWAG BAGS!
Swag Bags are filled with coupons, cards, stickers, buttons, jewelry, treats and more from our amazing vendors and sponsors!
And we cannot forget the WINNERS of the Halloween Extravaganza Scavenger Hunt!
Our grand prize winner of $25 CASH to spend at the Holiday Show is: Jennifer Baker
The four prize winners of some awesome art from our vendor Lizzy Bones Art are:
Emily Murray
Lacey Komorowski
Jada Mathis
Sue Sinegar
Prizes can be picked up at the admissions table at our Holiday Show on Sunday December 4!
BUT WAIT… There’s more!!!
We want everyone to celebrate not only the holiday season, but our anniversary with us!
There will be a special anniversary cake for everyone to enjoy! While supplies last, of course.
Speaking of food…
Flamingo Jack’s of Ohio is back to be our food truck for the Holiday Show – if you didn’t try their fries at the Halloween show, you must! They are AMAZING! Oh, and the mac and cheese! Who doesn’t like a warm dish of comforting mac and cheese in the cold weather?! Plus all their other awesomely delicious offerings! Bring an empty stomach!
We are extremely happy to say that American Outlaw Tattoo is joining us again as well! Rob and his team will be set up on the stage for all your ink cravings and needs!
This time around we welcome DJ Jimbo Float as our MC, playing a great mix of holiday tunes, punk rockin’ classics, 80’s and 90’s music and more!
Swag Bags, Awesome Vendors, and Delicious Food topped off with Great Music – No better way to spend a day!
So make sure you come on out to our Second Annual Holiday Show on Sunday December 4 from noon til 6pm at Elegant Assets Historical Event Center, 1514 Lake Ave., Elyria (next to the Coca Cola Bottling Company, right off state route 113). Just look for the Punk Rock Flea Market Lorain signs!